Apple's iPadOS under the Digital Markets Act

 Commission designates Apple's iPadOS under the Digital Markets Act 

iPads join iPhones in requirement to follow strict EU rules  iPadOS will now have to comply with the rules that allow users in Europe to download apps from outside the Apple App Store, uninstall apps preloaded on iPads, and select default services like browsers from choice screens.  


The Commission's investigation found that Apple presents the features of a gatekeeper in relation to iPadOS, as among others:  


• Apple's business user numbers exceeded the quantitative threshold elevenfold, while its end user numbers were close to the threshold and are predicted to rise in the near future.  


• End users are locked-in to iPadOS. Apple leverages its large ecosystem to disincentivise end users from switching to other operating systems for tablets.  


• Business users are locked-in to iPadOS because of its large and commercially attractive user base, and its importance for certain use cases, such as gaming apps.  Apple has now six months to ensure full compliance with the DMA obligations as applied to iPadOS. 


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