Ubuntu Touch Redmi Note 7 Pro
Post Out dated follow this video
Install instructions
* You must know about custom Rom flashing and recovery (if don't , watch YouTube videos )
Recommended custom recovery:
🌑 Pitchblack 2.9
it important phone stay decrypted
(backup your photo ,videos, ex to pc or memory card )
🌕 format data
⭐ Install Lineageos 16 pie
⭐ reboot check lineage os working properly
you can skip this 👇 if lineage os working
🐞 If lineage os not working
🔴 format data
🔴 install MIUI EU Rom
Install FCrypt Disabler v3
🔴 Reboot
🔴 Reboot Recovery
🔴 wipe data install lineage os
🔴 check is booting
🌕 Reboot Recovery
🦊 Install
🌕 Reboot to recovery , backup boot partition
⭐ Install haliumbootviolet.img as
boot partition
⭐ Install GSI
🌟 Install UBT Splash
⭐ Wipe cache
🌕 Reboot
💥 Whooooooooo your in UBT
(It maybe black screen press power button)
Password :phablet
It kind dual booting system
You can use both in a reboot
( If you want to android
Restore boot partition )
( If flash haliumboot back to UBT )
👥 Official Supporting group
But don't expect support 😄
----------- Download Files -----------
Orange fox r11
Pitch black
542 mb
Halium Boot Violet
18 mb
Download it in telegram
Ubuntu touch GSI File
796 mb
UBT Splash File
Download it in telegram
EU Rom (miui base)
FCrypt Disabler v3 - Remove Forced Encryption